2015年的冰淇淋日記 | 2015 in Ice Cream

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Yellow Lemon Dessert Bar (Xinyi, Taipei) | 黃檸檬甜點吧(台北信義)

2015-10-27 07.34.36

我不知道怎麼了,我今年春天準備冰淇淋店名單的時候完全錯過了「黃檸檬 」,只有在幾個禮拜前朋友提出一起去品嘗他們得過獎的義式霜淇淋以後才知道它的存在。我們本來要去位於大直捷運站附近的總店,但後來發現了信義區的新光三越就有分店,不用跑那麼遠,所以就去了信義分店了。

Somehow I missed Yellow Lemon when I was compiling my ice cream hit list earlier this year – I only heard of it when a friend suggested we go there to check out their award-winning soft-serve gelato a few weeks ago. We originally planned to go to the main location in Dazhi, but it turns out they have a branch at the Shinkong Mitsukoshi in Xinyi, so we went to that one instead. Continue reading

Taiwan Pure Handmade Ice Cream (Tonghua Night Market, Da’an, Taipei) | 台灣純手工冰淇淋(台北市大安區通化夜市)

2015-10-21 21.39.05-1


Just when I started to worry I was going to have to go further afield to find local ice cream makers to write about, I stumbled across one in an unexpected place: Tonghua Night Market. (The same thing happened to me a few months ago when I realized LeHua Night Market, next door to my house, had a fabulous handmade soft-serve stand!)

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Right Ice Cream (Songshan, Taipei) | 來特手工鮮果冰淇淋(台北松山)

2015-10-15 16.21.59

隱藏在松山區靠近市民大道被遺忘角落的「來特手工鮮果冰淇淋」是一家不可能偶然遇到的店。周圍地段只有二手家具店跟車行,不是逛街的地區,所以這家小小的店非得特意找才能找到。「來特」這麼不好找會讓人懷疑他們躲著顧客!只因為有一次遇見他們的冰淇淋車的緣分我才知道萊特冰淇淋的存在,當時剛好賣完了冰淇淋正收拾中,所以沒有吃到。我就是因為要寫這個部落格才堅持尋找這麼不好找的店! 但我對結果感到十分滿意,因為找到了萊特冰淇淋以後我發現了它就是我所要寫的目標,一家充滿土生土長台灣風味的,很草根性的家族生意。來特冰淇淋不光提供好吃的手工冰淇淋,也提供一個冰淇淋故事

Right Ice Cream is one of those places you will never, ever find if you don’t go looking for it. Tucked away in a back alley just off the Civic Boulevard highway, in a forgotten corner of Songhan district that seems to be mostly junk stores and auto shops, it’s not only nearly invisible – it seems absurdly out of place. One almost wonders if they’re hiding from customers! If it weren’t for their ice cream cart, which they occasionally wheel out to more visible areas, I’d never have heard of it at all. It was only by chance that I spotted the cart near Ningxia Night Market one night, just after they’d sold their last scoop and packed up for the day, and if it weren’t for this blog, I doubt I’d have bothered to follow up and come all the way out here to find the shop. But I’m glad I did. Right Ice Cream turned out to be a real gem – a grassroots, made-in-Taiwan family business. Exactly the kind of place this blog is dedicated to. You don’t just go to Right for an ice cream – you go there for ice cream and a story. Continue reading

Red On Tree (Da’an, Taipei) | 在欉紅本鋪(台北大安)

2015-10-06 14.59.51


Local cafe Red On Tree wouldn’t be at all out of place in London or Vancouver. They specialize in artisanal jam, which they sell by the jar or serve with yogurt and housemade scones. But they’re most famous for their gourmet house-made gelatos and sorbets, which they make using their jams as a base and serve European-style, expertly paddled into a flower shape. But in spite of their Euro-American packaging, Red On Tree is faithful to its Taiwanese roots, featuring a menu that’s almost exclusively made up of local ingredients.      Continue reading

Jason’s Fruits Store (Songshan, Taipei) | 陳記百果園(台北松山)

2015-09-24 17

我開始寫這個部落格的原因,主要是因為我希望向國內外讀者推廣台灣產品和當地小型企業,所以我找到像雪王蜜朵麗O Rose等等強調台灣食材的店,覺得很開心! 當我發現松山區有一家台灣頂級水果專賣小店,「陳記百果園」,我特別期待去試試看。作為水果專家的「陳記百果園」,當然懂得怎樣把水果最好的一面顯示出來 — 就是把它做成冰淇淋喔!

One of the reasons I started this blog was to promote local products and small businesses to both Taiwanese and foreign audiences. I’m always pleased to find ice cream shops like Snow KingMidori and O Rose that emphasize Taiwanese products. I was especially excited to try Jason’s Fruits Store, a cute little shop in Songshan that specializes in Taiwanese fruits. Like any fruit experts, they know how to show their product in its best light — by making it into delicious, fresh ice cream!

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Pâtisserie Alex (Xinyi, Taipei) | Pâtisserie Alex 法式甜點(台北信義)

2015-09-22 15.10.14 我最近好像迷上了法式甜點–上週去了珠寶盒法式點心坊嘗試他們的美味雪貝跟冰淇淋,這週終於去了位於松山文創園區東部的「Pâtisserie Alex 法式甜點」。除了「Pâtisserie Alex」的精緻 法式糕點和餅乾以外,還有蠻有名的現做手工霜淇淋

It seems I’m on a French patisserie kick. Last week I tried Boite de Bijou and their fabulous sorbets and ice cream, and this week I finally made the trip to Pâtisserie Alex, a specialty French pastry shop overlooking the east side of Songshan Creative Park that’s known for their fresh, handmade soft-serve.

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Boite de bijou (Da’an, Taipei) | 珠寶盒法式點心坊(台北大安)

2015-09-07 14.06.09-1

如果我沒有看到Taipei Trends的文章台北前12名露天陽台餐廳,我大概永遠找不到珠寶盒法式點心坊。這家小珠寶隱藏在安和路夜生活區的小巷裡面,四周都是酒店和居酒屋。珠寶盒主要的是高級法式烘培坊,但除了美味傳統法式麵包、餅乾、鹹派、可頌等等烘培點心以外,還提供現煮咖啡、頂級茶飲及進口葡萄酒; 另外還有自家製作的法式冰淇淋與雪貝! 珠寶盒法式點心坊是早午餐和下午茶的熱門店。

If Boite de Bijou hadn’t been featured in a Taipei Trends roundup of Taipei’s best patios, I’d never have found it. This little treasure is well-hidden on a quiet alley in the trendy, nocturnal Anhe area of Da’an, surrounded by wine bars and izakaya. It’s primarily a luxury French bakery, but besides gorgeous traditional French breads, cookies, pastries and quiches, as well as a coffee bar, premium teas, and a well-curated little wine list, they also offer a small selection of house-made French-style ice cream and sorbet. It’s a popular place for brunch and afternoon tea.

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CLOSED 已關門 ~ VIVO Spanish Tapas (Da’an, Taipei) | VIVO光癮時尚餐飲 (台北大安)

2015-08-23 13.15.01

在台北吃到美味手工冰淇淋,不見得需要到處尋找藏於巷弄的、巴掌大的冰淇淋專賣小店,其實有許多餐廳另外販賣自製冰淇淋。「VIVO光癮時尚餐飲」就是其中一個。西班牙「tapas」料理概念餐廳的VIVO, 不僅提供精緻又地道的,巴塞隆納來的廚師做的西班牙料理--它還有很豐富的菜單(從早午餐到消夜都有,還有咖啡吧、進口葡萄酒)、設計獨特又想像的空間、寬敞的用餐區和舒適的露天座位等等;但對我來說最重要的是他們的自製手工義式冰淇淋與雪酪

To get great handmade ice cream in Taipei, you don’t necessarily have to go searching for obscure hole-in-the-wall shops that specialize exclusively in ice cream – many restaurants make ice cream as a side business. VIVO Spanish Tapas is one of these. A concept restaurant that offers a complete experience VIVO boasts authentic Spanish cuisine (the head chef is a native of Barcelona); an extensive menu that includes brunch, lunch, dinner and imported wines; artistic modern atmosphere with quirky art-deco design; indoor and outdoor seating; a full coffee bar; and, most importantly, an ice cream bar serving a selection of fresh house-made gelatos and sorbets!

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