La Maison De Glace (Xinyi, Taipei) | 駱師傅法式冰淇淋之家 (台北信義)

2015-08-18 22.57.30

當我第一次去 「駱師傅法式冰淇淋之家」,Google還沒聽到他們從師大搬到信義的消息,結果我走錯地方,空手回家! 但是受到獲獎冰淇淋師父做的精緻法式冰淇淋的誘惑,讓我不得不再次出門尋找,而這次成功了!

The first time I tried to find La Maison De Glace, I went home hungry – the shop had recently relocated to Xinyi after several years in the Shida night market area, and Google apparently hadn’t got the memo about the new location. But the promise of flavour-rich French-style ice cream made by an award-winning ice cream master compelled me to try again, and this time I found it!

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Vita Ice Cream (East District, TAINAN) | 維特冰淇淋專賣店 (台南東區)

2015-08-11 13.48.07

台南是一個很特別的,帶有獨特風格的地方。台南料理是全台最代表又最美味的; 台南人有濃烈當地身分。我的台南朋友Perry說,”來台南,大家都是台南人。” 但我還會加上,來台南,每一種料理都是台南料理。當我住台南的時候我很快發現,吃外國料理本來是浪費時間(還浪費錢!),因為一般來講它最後都吃起來好像台灣料理–還是多吃虱目魚粥、鱔魚意麵等等正宗當地經典料理比較好,反正這些都比較好吃喔!


Tainan is a special city with a unique style, the most famous cuisine in Taiwan, and fierce local pride. My friend Perry says, “everyone who comes to Tainan becomes a Tainanese.” I’d also add that every food that comes to Tainan becomes Tainanese. When I lived in Tainan I quickly discovered that it’s a waste of time (and money!) eating foreign food, because it all comes out tasting like Taiwanese food – it’s better to stick with authentic local classics like milk fish congee and eel noodles, which taste better anyway. But there are exceptions, of course. Tainan may not have the best pho, kimchi soup, Indian curries or hamburgers, but detail-oriented Tainanese are very adept at churning out some top-quality handmade ice cream. There are several famous ice cream shops in the city, but my favourite is a well-kept secret hidden in a residential part of East District: Vita Ice Cream. Continue reading

Matias’ Gelato (Songshan, Taipei) | 馬提亞手工義式冰淇淋(台北松山)

2015-07-29 16.16.47

好像松山區開始變成我尋找冰淇淋的新地方。首先是轉轉吉拉朵,現在是馬提亞手工義式冰淇淋,同時,我的「冰淇淋必吃名單」越來越長了。但比較遠離市中心的松山區的美食不像忠孝復興/敦化那麼密集,松山區比較散開一點,要用功一點才找得到喔! 位於復興北路的馬提亞應該是其中最好找的一家。

It seems the Songshan area is turning into my second ice cream hunting ground. First it was Tenten Gelateria, and now Matias’ Gelato; meanwhile, the number of Songshan addresses on my ice cream hit list continues to grow. But Songshan isn’t the all-you-can-eat window shopping and food-gawking buffet that its neighbour Zhongxiao Fuxing/Dunhua is. Things are a little more spread-out here – you have to do a little work to find the goods! Hidden in plain view on Fuxing North Road, Matias is one of the easier shops to find. Continue reading

Juan Bing Wu Handmade Soft-Serve (Lehua Night Market, Yonghe, Taipei) | 捲冰屋手工霜淇淋 (樂華夜市,台北永和)

2015-07-27 08.45.17

我們所努力尋找的東西通常就在眼皮底下。我為了吃到台灣最美味的手工冰淇淋有穿過過整個城市去松山區,還跑新北市更偏僻的地區(比如石碇),甚至去探索其他城市(墾丁台南),但我所發現過的手工冰淇淋店當中最可愛的、最友善的、又最美味的之一,本來就隱身在我家對面的夜市裡: 捲冰屋手工霜淇淋! (永和區還有另外一家祕密的冰淇淋店: 充滿復古風格的古早味台式叭噗老店和美冰果室!)

It’s true – the thing you search hardest for is often right under your nose. My quest for Taiwan’s best handmade ice cream has taken me to crosstown neighbourhoods like Songshan, remote parts of New Taipei City like Shiding, and even other cities (such as Kenting and Tainan). But one of the cutest, friendliest and tastiest handmade ice cream shops I’ve found so far has been hiding in the night market across the street from my house all along: Juan Bing Wu soft-serve ice cream. (Yonghe has another secret ice cream spot, too: the super funky, old-school Taiwanese-style He Mei Ice Treat House!)

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O Rose Gourmet French Ice Cream (Da’an, Taipei) | O Rose 法式天然高品質冰淇淋(台北大安)

Update! O Rose has moved to their permanent location near Zhongxiao Dunhua station, and now offers drinks, verrines, and patisserie in addition to premium ice creams. Check it out!
更新!O Rose已經搬到近於忠孝敦化捷運站的新地點開真正的店,除了高級冰淇淋以外還新上市的飲料、杯子點心與法式甜點,快去吃吃看!

O Rose Gourmet French Ice Cream | O Rose 法式天然高品質冰淇淋

Address: No. 1, Alley 6, Lane 170, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City
MRT: Zhongxiao Dunhua Station
Phone: 02 2773 7989
Hours: Daily 1:00 pm to 10:00 pm

電話:02 2773 7989

O Rose Ice Cream Two Scoops Taiwan | O Rose 法式冰淇淋 台灣霜淇淋

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Gelateria Cosi O Cosi (Da’an, Taipei) | Cosi O Cosi義大利冰淇淋 (台北大安)

Two scoops taiwan Taipei Gelateria Cosi O Cosi 義大利冰淇淋台北大安

忠孝復興/敦化地區,美食實在多得要命! 這個地區充滿了超好吃的手工冰淇淋店,比如 Crème白鬍子OVOV,還有其他的尚未發現的。這個考試中心的地段流量高,租金相對的一樣高,所以公司要頑強才存活得下去。在這個變動很快的地段,許多小店和餐廳開了沒有多久就消失不見了,哪怕本來蠻受歡迎的。但能見度高的、落在觀光熱點敦化南路的Cosi O Cosi義大利冰淇淋,算是本地區開最久的獨立冰淇淋專賣店。他們開了這麼久應該表示本店具有某種優勢—-特別是因為它最附近的競爭對手就是旁邊一家很大的、很吸引人的Haagen Dazs!

The Zhongxiao Fuxing/Dunhua neighbourhood is going to be the death of me. This area is full of great ice cream shops, including Crème, Milk Beard, and OVOV, as well as others I’ve yet to discover. This prime urban area has high traffic and equally high rent, so small businesses have to be tough to survive. Turnover is high, and many small shops and eateries vanish only a year or two after opening, even if they’re popular. But with an easy-to-find location right on the Dunhua green mile – and some delicious gelato – Gelateria Cosi O Cosi is one of the longest-running independent ice cream shops in the area. That means something – especially since the nearest competition is a big, shiny Haagen Dazs just half a block away!

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Jung Yard Softee Soft-Serve Ice Cream (Da’an, Taipei) | 小涼院霜淇淋專門店(台北大安)

Jung Yard Soft-serve Taipei | 小涼院霜淇淋專門店台北


Jung Yard Softee is a tiny, low-profile shop specializing in handmade gourmet soft-serve. It’s so obscure that if a reader hadn’t recommended it to me, I’d never have found it!

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Crème French Ice Cream (Da’an, Taipei) | Crème法式冰淇淋專賣店(台北大安)

2015-06-30 23.39.50


The area between Zhongxiao Dunhua and Zhongxiao Fuxing in Taipei’s Da’an district is a gourmet paradise. Along with all kinds of local and international eateries, it’s also home to several of Taipei’s most popular and innovative hand-made ice cream shops. One of these is Crème French Ice Cream, which specializes in low-fat, flavour-rich French-style ice cream. French-style ice cream is unusual in Taiwan – the only other French ice cream shop I’ve found in Taiwan so far is Le Pélican in Kenting.

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Le Petit Baron Gelato (Zhongzheng, Taipei) | 小南蕨手工義式冰淇淋 (台北中正)

2015-06-23 16.42.18

位於台北市牯嶺街的小南蕨,是中正區的少數手工冰淇淋店之一。店面小小的,很容易錯過,我經過無數次才終於注意到它的存在。小南蕨總店在台南,去年開了台北分店,剛好上個禮拜歡慶了一週年! 老闆是特意去義大利學義大利冰淇淋的傳統作法。小南蕨每天所提供的口味最多只有12種,都很精緻,種類分為新鮮水果、濃郁牛奶、酒精口味以及限定特殊口味,店員說全部當中只有巧克力跟香草才是每天固定供應的,其他的口味輪流供應,每天的選擇不一樣。

Located on Guling Street in Taipei City, Le Petit Baron is one of the few handmade ice cream shops in Zhongzheng district. The storefront is tiny – I’ve passed by countless times and only recently noticed it was there. Le Petit Baron’s original location is in Tainan, and they only opened their Taipei location last year – they apparently celebrated their one year anniversary just last week! The owner went to Italy specifically to learn the art of traditional Italian-style gelato. Each day Le Petit Baron has up to 12 different gourmet gelatos to choose from, including refreshing fruit flavours, rich cream-based flavours, liqueur flavours, and limited-edition specialty flavours. According to the staff, the only fixed daily offerings are chocolate and vanilla – the others all vary daily.
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